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Do You University was launched to become a premier higher education admissions platform that employs a holistic approach to college admissions. Do You University℠ shares a common ambition to succeed by delivering the highest quality in what we do. Our goal is to grow the college admissions market for our member platform, and other associated services. Our purpose is to provide a higher education admissions platform that helps high school students maximize their academic currency™ by serving as a network for colleges and universities to identify academically talented students who are a good fit for each respective college or university member.  Moreover, we also aspire to serve as a conduit that connects talented students with corporations, which seek to enhance their respective workforces through internships and other career or educational opportunities.

Our ultimate vision is to create, and launch a platform for college-bound students which empowers them to:

(1) Reach their academic goals;
(2) Achieve academic success while students; and also
(3) Attain professional success in their chosen careers.


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