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International Student Package

Each year more than 750,000 students from countries around the world, and approximately two million students from the United States apply for admissions to colleges and universities in the United States. It is probably pointless to say that the competition for a seat in one of the most elite or selective universities in the United States is fierce. In fact, the competition is so fierce that the profile of the students who gain admission to the college or university of their choice is almost indistinguishable from many of the students that are denied a seat in the admissions class of their first, second or third-choice colleges and/or universities.

For the international applicant, the admissions application process in the United States may prove not only unfamiliar, but also confusing and perhaps even a bit daunting. Moreover, the admissions process can also be highly competitive as international student applicants vie alongside students from the United States for a finite number of seats in the entering classes that are shaped and filled each year by institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, Penn, Columbia, NYU, Chicago, Northwestern, UC-Berkeley, Michigan, Duke, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, M.I.T., UCLA, and a vast array of other colleges and universities throughout the United States.

More to the point, according to the New York Times, in April 2014 Stanford University disclosed that it admitted a meager 5% of the applicants that applied for a seat in Stanford’s entering class for the fall of 2014. Despite the fact that Stanford received a whopping 42,167 applications from secondary school student applicants who applied for admissions, only 2,138 or 5% of those students who applied for admissions were successfully admitted. Similarly, more and more high-achieving students apply to schools like Stanford with similar results: Harvard University and Yale University both admitted about 6% of their applicants, while Columbia University and Princeton University accepted about 7%, and the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology accepted about 8% of their applicants.

Do You UniversitySM can help you develop a winning application to the colleges and universities of your choice, and can assist you in successfully gaining acceptance to your top choice colleges and/or universities. Do You UniversitySM provides assistance to international students by working with the students and their parents to holistically assess the student’s academic profile, intended major area of study and career interests to identify not only those schools that offer the disciplines and programs of study that the student seeks, but to also help the student identify and create a strategic list of colleges and universities that represent the “best fit” for the student based on the student’s overall academic profile. To do this, we work with the student one-on-one or in tandem with the student’s parents to conduct an academic audit of the student’s grades and other records. The developed academic audit allows us to develop an action plan or course of action that is the best match for the student’s ability based on a number of variables and/or criteria, not just the student’s grades, SAT or ACT test scores. Our holistic admissionsSM approach empowers Do You UniversitySM to form a goal-specific, and focused partnership with students, and their parents that lead to college admissions success during the senior year of high or secondary-school.

The following list displays some of the services that are offered with the international student package:

  • Initial college/university list development
  • Strategic course selection assistance
  • Action Plan development
  • Student Profile development
  • College/university short list development
  • Essay development and editing assistance
  • Personal Statement development
  • Supplemental essay writing assistance
  • Strategic application development and filing calendar development
  • Personal brand development and positioning


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