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Customized Package

The customized package has been tailored for students that may seek college planning, and admissions assistance later in the planning process, or for those who do not require comprehensive planning assistance. The customized package may be ideal for conscientious high school juniors and seniors who have been actively managing their post-secondary school plans, and require limited college admission planning assistance.

  • Review of academic record and accomplishments
  • Intended major review
  • Advice on core course and elective course selection
  • Preliminary college list development and selection based on fit
  • Action Plan with organizational timeline development assistance
  • Extracurricular activities resume development assistance
  • Extracurricular and summer activities planning advice and assistance
  • College essay development and editing assistance
  • Review of college applications prior to submission
  • Early decision, early action and regular decision application strategy
  • College or alumni interview preparation
  • College short list development
  • Application essay development and editing assistance
  • Letter of Recommendation strategy development
  • Assistance with making final college choices after decision letters are received


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